Senior Pastor

Rev. Shaji Idiculla

Rev. Shaji Idiculla is the Senior Pastor and Founder of the ELIM Assembly of God Prayer Centre, Bangalore, India. His life, dedication, prayer life and his faith have been an inspiration to many.

Rev. Idiculla worked in Bahrain for close to 14 yrs. Following a personal encounter with the Lord, he left his secular job to study in the Karnataka Institute of Theology. He committed himself to the Lord’s work. The good Lord has been using him ever since. Praise the Lord!

Rev. Idiculla is a humble man of God with a great desire and passion to see God’s plans and commission being fulfilled through his life. With all due reverence to Almighty God, he has been shepherding and caring for the flock entrusted to him by the Lord, teaching, correcting, rebuking, encouraging them (2 Timothy 3:16) – through God’s word. He is faithful and loyal in the stewardship of his God-given talents.

Rev. Idiculla is married to Dr. Marina Shaji, PhD. Marina worked with Autodesk India, for close to a decade and is now into full time ministry. Her doctorate is in Biblical Counseling. They are blessed with two daughters—Dr. Sharon Elim Shaji and Sherin Elim Shaji. As a family they are serving the Lord in the respective areas of their calling. Dr Sharon serves on the worship team. She’s also the Principal of the Sunday School.

Read about our Associate Pastor and other members of the Ministry Team.